Christophe Mausen


Approaching Standard (2013)

Shortly after this fabulous event, Roland Duchâtelet and Bob Claes, president and commercial director respectively of Standard Liège, invited Christophe to lunch. During the course of this meal, the two leading men from the Sclessin club told him of the strong impression that the CCI had made on them by managing to mobilise decision-makers at such a high level. They wanted to check out the opportunities for more structural collaboration between their two organisations, although neither Bob nor Roland had any concrete plans. Christophe grasped this outstretched hand, because he knew that a decisive turning point in the history of the CCI was potentially being approached.
With a view to generating new sources of revenue, for several months Christophe had been nurturing a project to exploit an imposing business center positioning the CCI in a new market, closely related to its core businesses. The CCI already been considered by a number of observers as being the leader in extra muros networking, Christophe wanted it also to acquire this reputation for intra muros networking. The fact that the CCI did not have the necessary resources was delaying his plans.
He therefore shared his idea with the two men who, immediately, agreed the merits of this vision and expressed their interest in being closely associated with it.
While the exploratory meeting between the two parties was rather successful, the management policy of the club was widely disputed, causing Roland Duchâtelet to separate from his club.
The developments undertaken during the previous months would undoubtedly have fallen by the wayside if it had not been Bruno Venanzi who then bought the club. Close to the CCI and a fervent supporter of this idea, Bruno built and suggested a more ambitious project, which moreover conformed with the aspirations of the CCI. However the poor results of his first two seasons as the head of the club, combined with the ever more detailed redesign of the project, has slightly delayed the development of their targeted real estate.