Christophe Mausen


Pop-Up (2014)

For different reasons, the CCI and Enjeu broke off their collaboration, both being aware that it would not be easy to reorganise an edition of Meet in Liège of the former quality.
Having decided to pursue the organisation of a large annual event, it only required a few days for Christophe to reshuffle the cards and redefine the entire layout of a new event which he christened “Pop-Up”, in reference to the ephemeral nature of his new discovery.
With hindsight, he attempted to reconcile the irreconcilable and to match fundamentally contradictory imperatives, i.e. a stand at a very good price, by breaking with the usual models and the promise of a top of the range qualitative event. In other words, Pop-Up was an attempt to reconcile two diametrically opposed business models, forming a new paradigm that could be perfectly described by the oxymoron “Low cost Premium “.
To this strategic repositioning, he added a dimension that would be decisive in the success of this new event: scripting and themeing. In order to avoid each edition from resembling the previous one and to avoid the phenomena of premature fatigue, he created an ambience based on strong themeing, that was foreign in the business environment. Pop-Up therefore went through three adaptations and presented three completely different worlds: Safari, Valley and Speakeasy, arousing the excitement and delight of a public eager for novelty and discovery.