Passionate about performance management, good governance and strategic thinking, Luc Servais spent 20 years advising owners of small- and medium-sized businesses. He has now become director of a small manufacturing company. He also serves as an independent director on the boards of companies operating in a wide variety of sectors.
"Extra: that's probably the word that best sums up Christophe's approach. First and foremost, he's a man who goes the extra mile in a very real sense, but he's also an extravagant, extroverted and extraordinary character.
Our paths first crossed twenty or so years ago, perhaps more. I was attending a session organised by the Chamber of Commerce for the first time. Funnily enough it was also Christophe's first day working there. Even though he was only just starting out professionally, he already had a very theatrical way of presenting himself.
After that we bumped into each other on numerous occasions at the networking events he organised. But we really become close in 2009 when Christophe asked me to team up with him to put together his Cheese & Wine project. That's when I got to know him, a passionate man tormented by his passions.
Christophe is always brimming over with ideas, and he's already presented various concepts to me. But the IconoBook is definitely the idea that most closely reflects who he really is. It allows him to express his creativity, his profound feeling for human interactions and his perfectionist nature. It's very much part of his DNA."