A media and communication expert, Frédéric Van Vlodorp is a well-known figure in the Liège economic landscape. The former editor of La Gazette de Liège and Trends Tendances magazine who nurtures a love of mountains also demonstrated his editorial skills with communication campaigns for Meusinvest, SPI and, more recently, the Préhistomuseum.
“I’ve known Christophe for 20 years. A few months after I met him, I could already have painted the same portrait as today, since his personality traits haven’t changed a bit. He has always radiated a contagious good humour and had an endless capacity for inspiration. I had the chance to observe these qualities during our time working together as directors for ABSL Enjeu.
Thanks to his career, Christophe is rooted in the local economy, but he’s also endowed with rampant curiosity. He is constantly documenting emerging trends from all over the world. This intellectual curiosity often keeps him a step ahead of the game. It also feeds his creativity. I know quite a few people like Christophe, overflowing with ideas. But he has already put a fair number of them into practice. That’s what sets him apart. Christophe combines two seemingly conflicting traits: creativity and self-discipline. When he sets himself an objective, he has the unshakable discipline needed to achieve it. He gave us further proof of this ability when he spent 18 months training for his first marathon at the age of 50.”