Christian Jupsin has always loved motor sports, and he has succeeded in turning his passion into a career. His company, DG sports, specializes in organising sporting events, and has become a leader in the motorbike and motor sports sector.
“Christophe and I have known each other for years now. If my memory serves me well, we met at an event organised by the Chamber of Commerce. Our shared love of bikes quickly brought us closer together.
His extravagance suits him well. The outfit he wore to his wedding is a testament to that. Bleached-blond hair, a Jean-Paul Gautier style striped sweater: definitely not for everyone (laughter). But his look, though not exactly what you’d expect of a groom, suited his personality perfectly. I know lots of creative people who are buzzing with ideas. But Christophe doesn’t stop there. He has the audacity to deliver on those ideas. And it works! I think the IconoBook concept will follow this logic. Apart from the fact that it resembles him, it’s a project that corresponds to current and future communication trends.”